Yeh Chikitha

Yeh Chikitha Lyrics - Ramana Gogula, Sujatha

Yeh Chikitha
Singer Ramana Gogula, Sujatha
Composer Ramana Gogula
Music Ramana Gogula
Song Writerveturi


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each time I think of you my heart goes boom boom boom

when you are in front of me I just go wroom wroom wroom

dhoom dhoom dhoom handsome from king kango

lets do the dance tango

వయ్à°¯ాà°°ి కలలే à°¨ిజమై వలచే à°ªిà°²ిà°šే

à°¯ à°¯ à°¯ సహాà°°ా à°¸ౌందర్à°¯ మనోà°œ à°®ాà°§ుà°°్à°¯

హమేà°·ా à°®ొదటే à°®ొహమాà°Ÿà°•à°®ేà°²ా

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love love love love is the way to go

you know i need some more

à°¸ుà°¤ాà°°ి à°¸ుà°–à°®ే మనదై మనుà°µై మనమై

à°¸ై à°¸ై à°¸ై మనస్à°¸ే à°¦ోà°šేà°¸ెà°¯్ à°®ాà°Ÿుంà°Ÿే ఇచ్à°šేà°¸ెà°¯్

à°¹ే...à°šిలకే పలిà°•ే à°šిà°²ిà°ªివచనాà°²

à°¨ేà°ªాà°²ు à°¤ోటలకు à°“ à°¨ైà°Ÿు à°°ాà°°ా

à°ˆ à°˜ాà°Ÿు à°ª్à°°ేమలకు పరదా à°…à°°ుà°¦ై సరదా వరద


Hey chiquitha..komosthas..

Hey chiquitha komosthas...

Join aithe jamasthas..

Aa sahara dil bahara muddhu gummisthas..


Hai chirutha namasthe..naa janta kosthe yamasthe

Aa moracco premarako paita chatistha.. Chotistha..

Its time i think of you..

My heart goes boom boom boom

When you are infront of me

I just go vroom vroom vroom..

Dhoom dhoom dhoom handsome from king congo

Lets do the dance tango..

Vayyari kalale nijamai valache..piliche..

Ya ya ya ..sahara soundarya..

Manoja madhurya...hamesha modhale mokamatakamela?

Eenati rathiriki ee vennelela?

Eevela kougiliki dhigutha migatha kadhale chebutha..

Hey chiquitha komosthas...

Join aithe jamasthas..

Aa moracco premarako paita chatistha.. Chotistha..

Hey chiquitha chiquitha chiquitha i'll get you...

Chiquitha chiquitha chiquitha..come get me..

Love love love..

Love is the way to go ..

You know i need some more..

Suthari sukhame manadhai manavai manamai..

Sye sye sye manasse dochesey..matunte ichhesey...

Hei.. Chilake palike chilipi vachanala..

Nepalu thoatalaki o nightu ra..

Ee ghatu premalaki paradha arudhai saradha varadha..

Hey chiquitha komosthas...

Join aithe jamasthas..

Aa sahara dil bahara muddhu gummisthas..


Are premisthe nuvemistha?..

Ne premisthe nuvemistha?..

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